Supreme Devotee
Bhakt Shiromani
Shree Deokinandan |
Whenever God incarnates, his devotee accompany him to help Him in His leela (spiritual games). Devotee is revered as a embodiment of God. Supreme Devotee Bhakt Shiromani Shri Devkinandan and his consort Shakti Swarupa Mata Gayatri Devi were the unrivalled mediums of Vishnu Avtari Baba Gangaram’s leela. They unveiled the glory of Baba Gangaram in whole world. They not only established temple of Lord Baba Gangaram, Shri Panchdev Temple in Jhunjhunu, a district town of Rajasthan, but made it a holy pilgrimage site by their great devotion, sacrifice and penance.
Many incidents of devotion and renunciation are found in our religious texts and Puranas, but in this Kaliyuga the example of devotion shown by Shri Devkinandan and Gayatri Devi is truly amazing and unforgettable. It is impossible to describe their character in few words.
Example of Sacrifice, Penance and Devotion
Shri Devkinandan was an embodiment of devotion and a symbol of simplicity and renunciation.
His hard practice, unprecedented sacrifice and detached life have become an inspiring history today.
He used to see a light of Baba Gangaram all the time, which is the hallmark of a Siddha Yogi.
Devkinandan was a symbol of gentleness and coolness, his every word was benevolent and there was a glimpse of philosophy in him.
From the very childhood, Bhakt Devkinandan had an uninterrupted stream of devotion to Baba Gangaram used to flow.
He found himself illuminated with the glory of Lord Baba Gangaram. When Baba acsended to His own abode at Vishnulok,
he filled His divine power in child Devkinandan who was of 6 years,
and said - "Devkinandan you will write a new history of devotion,
by becoming the medium of my pastimes, you will make human beings aware of the ultimate truth of life.
Go ahead and enlight the whole world.” Just as Lord Krishna had shown Virat swaroop to Arjuna in the battlefield of Mahabharata, in the same way,
Bhakt Devkinandan also had a direct vision of Baba Gangaramji in the form of Vishnu.
Worldly life full of spirituality
For Shiv swaroop Devkinandan, the selection of his worthy wife was already decided in Devlok.
He was married to Gayatri Devi, who was endowed with divine virtues. After being married to Gayatri devi,
the devotion of both of them increased progressively.
When Bhakt Devkinandan was in a householder's life, he remained unattached like Janak and a yogi like Bharat.
There was no mythological book which he had not studied. A cultured family was created in Kolkata's stay of two decades.
Four daughters and two sons stimulated the total upliftment of the devotee Devkinandan.
Bhakt Devkinandan and Gayatri Devi were not born just for the welfare of the family, but they had to spread the light of Lord Baba Gangaram all over the world.
Unattached Karmayogi
Living a simple life, he was far from respect, publicity and prestige. Devakinandan did not make wealth, prosperity the goal of life.
By Baba's grace, whatever work he put in his hands, he became successful, but along with it his spiritual nature grew,
his devotion to naam sankirtana also increased.
On this strength they reached the feet of the Lord.
Establishment of Divya Dham Shri Panchdev Temple
Now the time had come in the life of Bhakt Devkinandan, for which he had come to this earth.
He was delighted to receive the heavenly order to build Baba's temple in a divine dream.
The day of 18 June 1975 became eternal in the pages of history
when Bhakt Devkinandan along with his wife Param Sadhvi Gayatridevi got the Sri Panchdev temple constructed in Jhunjhunu.
The holy flag of temple started waiving in whole world. By giving the dream a reality,
Bhakt Devkinandan started spreading a supernatural radiance of baba's glory, all around.
Bhakt Devkinandan completely surrendered himself at the feet of Vishnu Avatari Baba Gangaram.
The culmination of renunciation
Those on the path of devotion have always faced severe criticism and ridicule. In the same way,
few relatives and anti-religion people tried to block the devotional path of Bhakt Devkinandan and Mata Gayatri Devi.
They could not bear the fame spread by there divine light.
But the alienation and oppression of these people could not distract them from their path.
They took many pains to follow the truth. Considering the thorns as flowers, they kept moving towards their goal.
History is witness that Meera, Narsi, Prahlad etc. suffered the most from their family members.
Due to the obstacles stuck on the path of Dharma, Bhakt Shiromani Shri Devkinandan and
Param Aradhika Mata Gayatri Devi became disenchanted with worldly fascination,
where wealth and opulence are considered paramount. He renounced that immense wealth,
movable and immovable property, wealth of crores acquired by his hands, taking a Tulsi leaf in his hand and making a tough promise,
like the truthful king Harishchandra, gave up like a straw in a moment.
Such a truth in the life of Devkinandan, which really stunned this material world.
One of the teeth in the mouth of the Bhakt Devkinandan was adorned with gold. Even after sacrificing everything, one thing always stung in his heart,
I am a liar till then I don't donate this tooth too. In spite of the unbearable pain, that great sacrificer, like Danveer Karna,
got his golden tooth removed and donated it.
What was the one sacrifice for him that he could not make?
Not only this, their two sons and four daughters also took a firm decision to follow the path of devotion,
vowing not to get married for life. By completely abandoning all worldly pleasures they became fully devoted to the devotion of Baba Gangaram.
Such a confluence of renunciation and dispassion has hardly been seen before on this earth in the present era of Artha, Kama and Greed.
And then Shri Devkinandan and Mata Gayatri Devi, with their sons and daughters,
took the temple premises at Jhunjhunu as their home and dedicated themselves to Baba's service. In this way,
after relinquishing the grand life,
they became engrossed in continuous austerity in the premises of Shri Panchdev Temple
Having attained the culmination of renunciation, on the last days of his life,
bhakt devkinandan lived by eating only leaves of green stuff, which shows his integrity. Their sacrifice was unprecedented.
He treated everyone equally,
a vivid example of which is the Shudra worship performed by him in temple premises.
The Transcendental miracles on funeral pyre
Perhaps now the time had come when Lord Baba Gangaram felt the need of devotee Devkinandan in that world more than in this world.
He left his mortal body on 21st April,1992 after drinking Baba's charanodak. The soul merged with the ultimate light.
The body of the five elements was going to merge into the five elements.
When the body of Bhakt Devkinandan was placed on funeral pyre and fire was lit,
Mata Gayatri Devi raised her both hands like Draupadi and prayed to Baba to testify the truth in the witness of God Sun.
Then supernatural miracles appeared on the funeral pyre of Bhakt Devkinandan.
Baba instituted such a witness, which the history of the entire universe will never forget.
At the same time, there was a vibration in burning pyre and the right hand of the Bhakt Devkinandan came out from
behind and started shaking while giving blessings. A stream of water started flowing from the crown of his head and his face turned into childish look.
As if the chariot of the sun had even stopped. The entire atmosphere resonated with cheering of people in praise of God.
By passing the final test of life, he defeated nature. He wrote the golden chapter of his life on the pyre itself.
Bhakt Devkinandan has proved that there is no limit to the power of the devotee. The personality of the Bhakt Devkinandan was pure and radiant.
These supernatural miracles on the funeral pyre on the call of Gayatri Devi are enough to prove the ultimate culmination of devotion of Gayatri Devi.
History is witness that Mata Sita, Sati Anusuiya and Sati Savitri also had to proof their truthfulness.
Inspiration for millions of devotees: Mata Gayatri Devi
After mahaprayan of Bhakt devkinandan, Mata Gayatri Devi was considered as a living medium between Baba Gangaram and his devotees.
Mata Gayatri's aura was full of Baba Gangaram's spiritual powers. She lived in heavenly world of devotion and knew the heart of each.
She was a repository of knowledge. She studied the mythological texts deeply and analysed them closely and had brought them into her life.
This was clearly apparent in her preaching and speeches. During her discourses, Goddess Saraswati used to flow from her mouth and guide the people.
Mata Gayatri was a devout devotee and the ultimate ascetic.
She was a symbol of love, kindness, benevolence and patience. Whatever came out of Mata Gayatri's mouth became a mantra.
She was contained by a vast world within herself. The life of Jagadamba - Lakshmi Swarupa, Mata Gayatri was only for devotees and mankind.
Baba's devotees believed that even after facing the grave crisis, all their sufferings would be eradicated after getting the blessings of Maa Gayatri.
They used to get sea change in their life filled with eternal joy, peace and bliss. Really she was an image of compassion.
Mata Gayatri's simplistic face, compassion in her eyes and her divine aura used to draw devotees towards her.
When the devotees used to visit Baba Gangaram Temple and would sit at the feet of the Maa and she put her hand on their head,
it seemed as if all sins were eradicated and all worldly pleasures were attained. She used to hide her divine authority under the cover of modesty.
She was the life inspiration and mentor of millions of devotees of Baba Gangaram.
Finally, Mata Gayatri Devi took leave from her millions and millions of devotees on 29th November 2017 (Margashirsha Shukla Dashami).
Chanting the holy name of Lord Baba Gangaram, she left for mahaprayan to Baba's divine lok.
Everything she used to say was irrefutable. And likewise she chose Baba's holy dashami day for her mahaprayan and even told everyone a few days ago.
The earth and the heaven were the same for Mata Gayatri.
Bhakt Shiromani Shri Devkinandan and his consort Mata Gayatri have established
Baba Gangaram Dham - Shri Panchdev temple where the wishes of millions of devotees are being fulfilled today. Every particle of Panchdev temple is a
witness to their sacrifice, penance and dedication and its reflection is clearly visible there.
Their two sons and four daughters are engaged in devotion even today,
taking a oath of lifelong celibacy, which is beyond imagination in this materialistic age.
Evolution of Aashirwad Mandir
When the devotion of the devotee towards his God reaches the climax, then his place rises above the devotee and becomes equal to God.
The Lord himself places such devotees at his feet. Similarly, Baba Gangaram gave place to Bhakt Shiromani Shri Devkinandan and Mata Gayatri Devi in his divine dham.
As per divine ordain of Baba Gangaram, a temple namely ‘Aasirwad Mandir’was constucted in the holy premises of Shree Panchdev Mandir, Jhunjhunu.
On the auspicious day of ‘Aashirwad Diwas’ on 30th April 2021, the pran pratistha (inauguration) of temple was completed by full vedic rituals and
idols of Bhakt Devkinandan and Shakti Swarupa Mata Gayatri Devi were seated. There is a feeling of immense joy as soon as devotees look at the pair-idol of
Shiva Swarup Shri Devkinandan and Shakti Swarupa Devi Gayatri in the sanctum sanitorium of Aashirwad temple.
Devotees are grateful after getting the blessings and all their wishes are fulfilled.
Aashirwad Mandir is the best bridge to connect the Nar (people) with Narayan (God), Bhakt (devotee) with Bhagwan (God).
Both the temples have become the center of faith and belief of lakhs of devotees today. This is the reason that the number of devotees who visit Baba's
Dham is increasing. Devotees, after having darshan, take the ‘Raj’, the holy soil with them in the form of prasad,
which is like a sanjeevani buti in Kaliyuga for the eradiction of worldly troubles.
Nobody can even imagine what Mata Gayatri Devi and Bhakt Shiromani Shri Devkinandan have sacrificed in today's greedy world.
Like a lotus in water, they were unconcerned with wealth and maya. Salutes to the sacrifice, penance and devotion of Bhakt Shiromani Devkinandan and
Shakti Swarupa Mata Gayatri Devi. The result of such austerity and sacrifice is that today innumerable devotees of Baba Gangaram are spread around the world.
Their sacrifice on the lotus feet of Lord Baba Gangaramji has made Shree Panchdev temple a place of pilgrimage and illuminating the whole world
and it will continue to give spiritual power and right direction to people for ages.
Jai Shri Baba Gangaram!
Jai Shri Bhakt Devkinandan !!
Jai Mata Gayatri Devi !!!